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Israel mandates renewable energy systems on new non-residential buildings

JERUSALEM, Aug. 6 (Xinhua) — Israel’s National Planning and Building Council on Tuesday approved new regulations requiring the installation of solar systems for generating renewable energy on new non-residential buildings and new residential detached houses.
The Israeli Energy Ministry said in a statement that the new rule will save money for residents, ensure electricity availability during emergencies, increase Israel’s energy independence, and reduce air pollution.
The regulations apply to any new non-residential building and detached houses with a roof area of at least 250 and 100 square meters, respectively.
According to the regulations initiated by the ministry and the Planning Administration, the capacity of each solar system must be at least five kilowatts.
The ministry estimated that the move will lead to the setup of tens of thousands of renewable energy facilities with a total installed capacity of up to 3,500 megawatts by 2040, saving about 35 square kilometers of land.
It added that the proximity of generation and consumption is expected to save billions of shekels in investments for new electricity network infrastructures that occupy large areas and contribute to the decentralization and resilience of the energy sector.
The regulations allow for exemptions from the installation requirement for buildings of architectural value, buildings designated for conservation, and buildings planned for future additional floors. ■
